Shortly after founding the Spiritual Regeneration Movement in 1959 Maharishi contacted Mother Divine and pleaded with her to alleviate the missery of humanity.
Mother Divine explained that help for humanity was not to come from her because humanity is doomed; this is the cycle of time which demands that humanity increasingly suffers; it is the conduct of the people that brings them their suffering.
Then Mother Divine encouraged Maharishi to continue with his spiritual plan to gather as many individual Lights as he could, and by these collective Lights it would be possible to destroy the darkness in the world for a temporary period of up to a few thousand years.
The following eight pages are a scan of the original unedited historic transcript of a tape recording of Maharishi speaking about his conversation with the Divine Mother.
Maharishi wanted all of his initiators and meditators to be aware of this message from Mother.
Note: In one of Charlie Lutes' lectures he said,
"If, in the future, there comes a point where the thinking becomes so negative as to make recovery or balance in nature impossible, then the divine Intelligence calls forth the God of fire, or the God of water, to give humanity what their thinking has called for, and mass destruction of this earth begins. Volcanic action cracks the earth's crust open and the crust then breaks up and begins to sink and the water covers the earth and a large segment of humanity is removed from earth; then, a new land mass rises to the surface to support a new civilization that conforms to the laws of nature and who loves God. This is not wholly necessary if humanity will only change their ways and turn to God and start supporting nature. However, in the main, the opposite is occurring."
"One on the spiritual path develops an inner quality of goodness that creates in them a desire to support nature and not run contra to the laws of nature. They are very aware of karma and they desire to create good karma through all of their thinking, speaking and doing. This is what is called, living the good life, for good does come to the good and evil comes to those who create evil. This is due to the law of cause and effect and we should always remember this at all times. If we choose the low path in life we inherit the low, and if we walk the high path, we receive the light of God and his blessings. It is for us to choose, and we have the free will to do so."
Ref: Charlie's Lecture No. 59, 'Living the Good Life'