Lectures by
Lectures byCharlie Lutes
Destiny of life means the destination of life. By our destiny, we head for a given destination. However, by free will we can and do from time to time alter our course of life.
When we come into this life, our habit pattern is fully determined. The purpose of life is to change the bad habits as much as possible, and to project and build on our good habits.
As a human, we are a composite of both good and bad. In many cases, the bad far outweighs the good, and this makes for a hard life. The purpose of life is to improve ourselves as much as possible, and this is evolution. Evolution is ever so slow because humans always attempt to maintain the status quo. And the general attitude is to adjust to one's faults and go along through life making as few waves as possible.
Nature, being fully aware of this attitude, usually places us in a life situation where by epoch and pressure we are forced to change some of our greater faults, because to maintain them becomes too painful and too great a burden to bear.
Life offers all forms of pain and painful situations, so we can realize without too much insight that a change in our attitudes is necessary in order to release us from a great deal of our unnecessary pain. So, slowly we do change and this is also evolution.
What we learn is that happiness comes with right thinking, speaking and doing, and pain comes with wrong doing. We learn that when we project love, we are in turn loved and when we project hate we are shunned by most all who can avoid us, and those who can't, chalk it up to their own bad karma and hope for the day when their karma will change.
Little by little we learn that when we are good, the world is good. As the saying of old goes, laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone.
Because separation is painful, and isolation is misery, we soon learn that we need good companions in order to weather the ups and downs of life, and this is where discrimination comes into our life.
Our destiny in this life is generally determined by our karma and dharma. Karma is the action of life and all of the lessons to be learned. Dharma is the way we should live our life in order to gain the most from life. This is where the word duty comes predominately into focus. Dharma means to live our life according to our destiny or according to our duty.
We have often heard duty comes before all except before God. This means that in order to work out our karma, we must meet our responsibilities as they confront us and not try and postpone them.
The greatest problem we encounter is trying to handle someone else’s problem, inadvertently or on purpose, and this can pose a problem that most often defies solution. This is mainly because it is not in our destiny pattern and we are not equipped to cope with the ramifications of such problems not of our making. That is why it is said that when we go to help someone, we had better be sure we are able to help them and not add to their problem and compound their already heavy burdens, as well as our own.
This is why we should use our reasoning mind and reason out our course of destiny, so that life will flow and not become a series of stops and jerks. The main problem is that we do not know what it is we were meant to do, yet in another sense we do know and have always known.
Often we make a decision to go in a direction contra to our destiny and nothing works out or falls into place. When this happens, it is a sure sign that we cannot be on the right track, and therefore, we should alter our course. Very few do, and many pursue the wrong course clear to the grave and even after that are seldom convinced that they were in error.
All this may seem to be useless, and futile, but this is exactly how we learn to use our God-given faculties, and by trial and error and hard lessons learned we ultimately gain divine mind which means full use of our reasoning mind. Many say, if there were a just God, he would not allow suffering. There is a just God, and he has nothing to do with it. It is our own doing. We have free will and how we use it makes all the difference in the world.
Like children, we must learn, and like children, we also come of age. Then and then only has destiny run its course down the halls of time, and we have at long last reached our destination. We have become a pillar in the everlasting temple and we will no longer go out.