Lectures by
Lectures byCharlie Lutes
Consciousness is said to be that state where you are aware of that of which another is aware. The universe consists of myriad levels of consciousness. The consciousness of the human is tied to the body and the level of consciousness the individual experiences is according to how much purity there exists in the body. This runs the gamut from a low level of consciousness to cosmic consciousness. Intuition is a higher form of cognition where there exists a true appreciation of value. The human mandate is to strive to reach higher and higher levels of consciousness. Sometime, someplace we, as human beings, must eventually come to the awareness of ourselves as living sentient beings who are sparks from the divine flame.
Our purpose as human beings is for us to learn all we are meant to learn at ascending levels of consciousness. This is the reason that this world is referred to as the lesson world. We are here to learn and absorb the lessons of life until, as humans, we outlive life, and we become cosmic graduates. To outlive life, means to gain mastery over ourselves; to transmute ourselves from the lowest human consciousness to the highest consciousness, from extreme selfishness to selflessness, from ignorance to enlightenment, and from hate, anger, and destructiveness to the divine expression of love.
Each lifetime we spend on earth, we are graded on how well or how poorly we have done. If we have failed to learn the lessons given to us, we must return and again take up these same lessons, plus some new ones. This goes on and on until we have mastered the lessons of life. A master is one who has done just this, and now devotes his time to helping others do the same thing. If we produce misery for those around us, we produce the same misery for ourselves. As the motivation in any school is to teach so that all can learn, so is the motivation in the school of life. Anything done in this life is only the physical operation of a larger universal plan, which also operates on a larger and larger scale. We are little by little evolving into higher levels of consciousness, and slowly we are becoming aware of our divine nature and of our divine destiny. We are becoming spiritual in the unfolding and revelation of the hidden mysteries of life. We are slowly becoming aware of the fact that we are aware; furthermore, that we are awareness itself.
The word human means to become humane and the word divine means that state when we have outgrown all error. It truly means that we are no longer running at cross purposes with life. It means that we have now come into conformity with the divine plan of life, which is to transmute humanity to divinity; to transmute the heart of lead into the heart of pure gold.
Woven through the tapestry of life is understanding; to understand where we are in relation to where others are; to have such an understanding and then act accordingly. The code of life long written in the history of mankind is, “Love ye one another.” This is practiced by humanity to the degree of the consciousness of humanity, individually and collectively. When the sun rises, it dispels the darkness of the night. Similarly, uncertainty and ignorance vanish as the light of increased consciousness envelops the human. So, as we evolve, we go from ignorance to enlightenment. When we finally understand ourselves, we will also understand the whole universe. Then, when we have gained full enlightenment, we will have full knowledge of all universes. Then, instead of being in the light, we will be the light.
Our long journey through time and space is now over, and we have returned to our source having gained divine mind. The spark has now become one with the flame. Incorporated into our awareness now are all levels of consciousness, for truly we have now for eternity transcended time, space, and causation. We now know that there is no past, present, or future. We have gained the true and eternal status. We now live in the now.