Lectures by
Lectures byCharlie Lutes
A path is a path is a path, and one cannot travel two paths at the same time. One is initiated onto the path of spirituality when one becomes an initiate. Therefore, that path has definite advantages to offer to the dedicated initiate, the greatest advantage being liberation. The one thing that cannot be justified is in trying to mix up the spiritual path with another path, especially when that other path becomes outmoded.
Some try, while desiring to be on the spiritual path, to still carry on the ways of another path, and this cannot be done.
All humans have had many lives in materiality; obtaining wealth and then losing it. Now, that is over and one no longer opts or schemes for wealth. Now, all one is concerned with is living comfortably; no more and no less. Now one's karma is no longer wealth, rather it is spirituality.
Trying to hang onto the desire of becoming rich is now futile. It is like trying to go for a balloon ride with one foot tied to a tree stump - how? One's ideals and ideas should be above the pursuit of riches and all that such a path entails. One no longer should incur this karma. One can no longer serve God and Mammon. One, by good karma, may inherit wealth, but one's days of scrounging around after wealth are over. And, one who is seriously on the spiritual path as an initiate should know this. One now foregoes selfish pursuits and is now dedicated to selfless service to humanity. One now is in the process of becoming free of anything that would bind him and he is not engaged any longer in further binding himself to materiality and further karma. Everyone always says that they would not let this happen to them. Yet, it always does.
When one becomes fully dedicated to God and the spiritual path, one then is no longer attracted by the worldly things of life.