Lectures by
Lectures byCharlie Lutes
In the coming age so many new inventions and innovations are coming into manifestation that the human will be hard put to acquire the wisdom necessary to adjust to the new way of life and not become overwhelmed. Primitive man, ages ago, stood upon the shores of the seas and wondered what lay beyond the horizon. Today a new, much less primitive human, gazes upon the vast space and wonders about what lies on and beyond the stars. Having conquered the earth’s length, breadth and depth, man is now beginning to explore space. However, in order to conquer space, he must first conquer himself, because space will not tolerate the intrusion of anyone with destructive motivations or inclinations. No one can enter the cosmos unless he is purified.
Man has always been in pursuit of knowledge, but he has paid little heed to wisdom. Now it will be the Aquarian who will explore space and he will have shed the selfish, destructive ways of the Piscean. The Aquarian will be the selfless, spiritual being who is searching for wisdom. He will desire to become wise and know the ways of God. There will be no atheists left on earth to probe space, for he is the one who first has explored inner space and has found himself, God and wisdom.
Man will unfold new scientific discoveries and he is going to come face to face with spiritual science, which will be the science of the new Aquarian age. The human will learn to live within himself and when he does, the outer will take care of itself.
The one thing that manifests in outer space is complete harmony. The law of harmony is one of the basic laws of creation. Without it there is no peaceful living, or mental calmness, and also, the lack of harmony causes ill health. Without harmony there is continual discord in life. The law of harmony also runs hand in hand with the law of rhythm and the law of karma.
The law of karma is really the restoration of harmony and rhythm. So, in a sense, they are one and the same thing, and these laws, in turn, support the perfect law, which is the law of love.
Man, to be in the new age, must come into harmony with himself before he can sound the keynote of the new age and be an integral part of the great harmony of the cosmos. When this occurs, he will have knowledge of who he is and what his mission on earth is. He will also know where he came from and where he is going. He will also know that he is an integral part of a vast macrocosm where the only permanent thing is change itself. He becomes a miniature of the great becoming; he is that spark that grows into the flame.
Man lives in two worlds at the same time, the material one around him and the mental, spiritual world within him. He needs to work in harmony with both of them, so when he knows himself from within, he will also know the mysteries of life and the cosmos.